Saturday, November 26, 2011


I strongly believe that annoying people in your life is to train your patience to encounter more annoying people in the future.

Have been dealing with kinds of people like annoying ones, crazy ones. as in not sampat that kind of crazy but real crazy, for example self abuse, not even kidding, self-obsessed ones, over confident ones. I am still alive and sane, can you believe that? LOL

Sometimes I tell people who I don't really know much yet to test my patience, some of the reasons is that I wanna know my limit. LOL. Like really, have you ever see me get mad until everything lost control? Hardly? Never? LOL. When I get cranky I usually go to a more rational way, it just won't ruined my way terribly, weird. Is like I swore, I cursed, then I forget, I know, I have a little of angrophobia.

I can deal with almost everything, just don't try to reach to the (super low) bottom line or some sensitive parts :D Life is good man!


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