Shit, i think i'm drunk. Thanks to the red wine. Perhaps i cant drink red wine? I just drank one glasses and i feel so damn dizzy and headache now, plus fast heart beat. Shit. I dont know i cant take this until the end of the wedding or not. And i dont know anyone there except my grandmother. Lol. Still have to drive her back later. If i know this will happen i definitely wont drink it. Argh. Help! I think i gonna faint soon. =.=
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wedding dinner?!
Shit, i think i'm drunk. Thanks to the red wine. Perhaps i cant drink red wine? I just drank one glasses and i feel so damn dizzy and headache now, plus fast heart beat. Shit. I dont know i cant take this until the end of the wedding or not. And i dont know anyone there except my grandmother. Lol. Still have to drive her back later. If i know this will happen i definitely wont drink it. Argh. Help! I think i gonna faint soon. =.=
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Yesh yesh yesh yesh, can't believe the whole process just took 1 or 2 weeks!
Gosh gosh gosh.
I'm so so so so excited!!!
But but but everything is still not confirmed yet until all the procedure is done!
Therefore, I won't spill out anything YET.
However, some people already know about this. Woot.
Tonight, Ice-hockey final at Sunway Pyramind!!
Hint: CANADA!!!!
Gosh gosh gosh.
I'm so so so so excited!!!
But but but everything is still not confirmed yet until all the procedure is done!
Therefore, I won't spill out anything YET.
However, some people already know about this. Woot.
Tonight, Ice-hockey final at Sunway Pyramind!!
Hint: CANADA!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
You can't see me.
Unusually, I am down today, pretty down.
Well, what is the usual me?
Smile and laugh like nobody business?
Yea, I guess that's me in everyone's mind.
I might showed some of you some shit face of mine today,
or maybe you guys din't realize. Or won't.
I smile and laugh all the time does not mean that I am really an optimistic person,
sometimes things are totally opposite with what you think.
Moody, emotional, sad is just not me isn't it?
Just found out something that made me down,
but this just a part of my emo-ness today.
I've been like some idiot chasing for something I couldn't reach, following it blindly.
Stupid. I am just a stupid. I thought I could, but eventually, I am the pathetic one.
Another reason for my moodyness,
I slept at 3AM yesterday, and woke up at 6AM.
The terrible lack of sleep will definitely make me cranky.
Thank God no one light up my fire today,
if not, I can't imagine what I will do. O_O
First thing first, GO SLEEP!
And say bye bye to emo!
*Go die go die go die, stupid emoooooo, booooooooooooooooo*
Well, what is the usual me?
Smile and laugh like nobody business?
Yea, I guess that's me in everyone's mind.
I might showed some of you some shit face of mine today,
or maybe you guys din't realize. Or won't.
I smile and laugh all the time does not mean that I am really an optimistic person,
sometimes things are totally opposite with what you think.
Moody, emotional, sad is just not me isn't it?
Just found out something that made me down,
but this just a part of my emo-ness today.
I've been like some idiot chasing for something I couldn't reach, following it blindly.
Stupid. I am just a stupid. I thought I could, but eventually, I am the pathetic one.
Another reason for my moodyness,
I slept at 3AM yesterday, and woke up at 6AM.
The terrible lack of sleep will definitely make me cranky.
Thank God no one light up my fire today,
if not, I can't imagine what I will do. O_O
First thing first, GO SLEEP!
And say bye bye to emo!
*Go die go die go die, stupid emoooooo, booooooooooooooooo*
Sunday, May 23, 2010
“向日葵” 族群的典型特征
善于发现微小幸福在“向日葵”族的概念里,敏感与细腻不完全代表着多愁善感,对微小快乐的敏感其实是幸福的来源之一。并不是每 个人的生活都能比戏剧更精彩,蕴藏在平淡里的小幸福才更值得珍惜。
没有太大野心“知足常乐”一定是他们信奉的座右铭之一。他们相信欲望越少,越容易快乐。无法掌控的事情,带来的压力只能选择承 受;可以掌控的事情,他们往往不会主动给自己加压力。*对负面情绪的钝感力悲观、抑郁、烦躁、焦虑、生闷气……这些工作、生活中常常出现的负面情绪不容易感染他们。
选择喜欢的职业愉悦感是比金钱更重要的选择职业的标准。喜欢的职业可以让人觉得活得很值很充实,每天忙碌着的状态会让八小时外 的时间更美妙。
抗压力耐打击他们是实实在在“煮不烂的铜豌豆,打不死的小强”。在他们眼中,天塌下来当被盖,什么都可以看得开,快乐也是单纯 而自然的。
随时随地发泄压力他们会在生气时一个人在房里狂吼几声,前提是墙壁的隔音效果够好,或者健身、泡澡、爬山、吃顿诱人的甜品…… 不记隔夜仇的“向日葵”族,同样不会让压力过夜。
感恩的心态他们懂得感恩。一份工作,一杯咖啡,一个朋友,一个恋人,都是上天赐予的礼物,因为感恩才会懂得珍惜和把握,懂得捕 捉生活中的美好。
张弛有度的生活节奏工作即使可以忙碌,但绝不能占用整个人生。业余生活可以丰富多彩,但绝不能落得个游手好闲。他们喜欢张弛有 度的生活节奏,而且更享受这种对生活的掌控欲。
相互赞美的心态算计别人而达到自己目的的“办公室政治”不是他们的兴趣所在。适度赞美在他们看来是一种善良的心情与省心的社交 工具。每个人身上都有不同的闪光点。
对生活充满热情的阳光天性像向日葵始终追寻着阳光的方向一样,他们最根本的特点,就是永远对生活保持着高度热情,兴致高昂,勇 于改变,对新鲜事物有足够的好奇。
适当健忘的头脑选择性遗忘是他们独有的能力。对于那些不开心的事情,他们忘得比谁都快。健忘让他们学会保护自己,也让生活更加 轻松。
善于自嘲习惯用自嘲保持心理平衡,化解尴尬局面。在人人都粉饰自我的时代,他们的自嘲是被当做宣泄积郁、打破隔阂的良方,当然 有时也是反嘲别人的武器。
适当的精神胜利法一件漂亮的衣服,价格太昂贵,想想看,也许并不适合自己便也释怀。这样小小的精神胜利法使得人生更有乐趣,苦 短的岁月何必非要过得苦大仇深。
八小时外有所寄托辛勤工作的最终目的,还是为了八小时之外的完全属于自己的时间。可以在兴起时去酒吧晃晃,也可以在家邋遢随意 地跟朋友们小聚。可以拿上画笔重温儿时的梦想,也可以自拍DV假装梦工厂。
嘴角习惯性上扬15度嘴角上扬15度,是“向日葵”族不用每天刻意对着镜子练习而自然流露出的表情,内心的宽容乐观完整诠释出 “相由心生”的道理。
原来原来原来,我是向日葵一族!XD拥有丰富的内涵成为向日葵一族最典型的特征就是,有时让人觉得有些没心没肺,其实内涵丰富,耐人寻味,绝非中看不中用的花拳绣 腿。正所谓上山能打虎,下水能擒蛟,交给他们的任务,一定是拿得起、放得下,完全符合向日葵经济农作物的身份!
Friday, May 21, 2010
CPU Prom!!!!
Like since I bought my prom ticket from Shariqa I started to hunt for prom dress. Which has the Las Vegas theme.
For people who know me well, this is a very difficult task me for me, right?
Dresses, shoes, hairs, makeups is so so not my thing. Aiks
But but but, this might be the grandest prom I attend, Taylor's CPU students wehhh.
Unlike the previous 2 prom I went back in high school. So informal. LOL. Even some people wore jeans and slippers that day! Ew.
I have high expectation on this prom seriously. Is so gonna be awesome!! *Hopefully*
Dress ahhhhh, somebody, I need help on this really.
I NEED LAS VEGAS-ISH DRESS!!!! *For the first time ever, I am so willingly to wear a dress, Oh my god, I wonder how would my mum act when she know about this.*
One more thing, how about prom date???
Most of my friends around me has their date already wehhh, how I get myself one? X) I don't know. 随缘咯~
For people who know me well, this is a very difficult task me for me, right?
Dresses, shoes, hairs, makeups is so so not my thing. Aiks
But but but, this might be the grandest prom I attend, Taylor's CPU students wehhh.
Unlike the previous 2 prom I went back in high school. So informal. LOL. Even some people wore jeans and slippers that day! Ew.
I have high expectation on this prom seriously. Is so gonna be awesome!! *Hopefully*
Dress ahhhhh, somebody, I need help on this really.
I NEED LAS VEGAS-ISH DRESS!!!! *For the first time ever, I am so willingly to wear a dress, Oh my god, I wonder how would my mum act when she know about this.*
One more thing, how about prom date???
Most of my friends around me has their date already wehhh, how I get myself one? X) I don't know. 随缘咯~
Thursday, May 20, 2010
O_O Driving
I realized something.
I like to speed, not only on highways, but also regular roads. WHY?? T.T
This is not the main problem though,
I found out that I actually driving without conscious.
Which mean I don't really concentrate when I'm driving.
I'm wondering is it this is the factor that I can't recognize left and right when people showing direction or me? WTHHHHHH.
Like since my brother started to share car with me, inside me always have to feeling to 'chiong'.
Walao, chiong sai la. =.=
Ohhhh please, please stop this. I don't want accidents happen.
Oh and by the way,
03/07/2010, is time to renew my P license!!!!
Anyone who sit my car before please comment my driving skill, hahahahaha.
I accept positives and negatives one. X)
Included you, my first passenger! =P
Damn, I am just so lame. XD
I like to speed, not only on highways, but also regular roads. WHY?? T.T
This is not the main problem though,
I found out that I actually driving without conscious.
Which mean I don't really concentrate when I'm driving.
I'm wondering is it this is the factor that I can't recognize left and right when people showing direction or me? WTHHHHHH.
Like since my brother started to share car with me, inside me always have to feeling to 'chiong'.
Walao, chiong sai la. =.=
Ohhhh please, please stop this. I don't want accidents happen.
Oh and by the way,
03/07/2010, is time to renew my P license!!!!
Anyone who sit my car before please comment my driving skill, hahahahaha.
I accept positives and negatives one. X)
Included you, my first passenger! =P
Damn, I am just so lame. XD
Friday, May 14, 2010
Relief! Relief!!
Phewwww finally done with ENG4U!
Just had my presentation today, brought in Mashimaro in my slides! Haha!
Thanks to Mashimaro that had made my presentation go smooth and nice, and brought laughter to the class, and Mr. James! =)
I personally love these 2
and doing break dance
Had done with 2 ISUs and 1 more to go!
Computer science!
Hope me and my partner will complete our game project on time.
To: You-know-who
Since I was free from ENG4U already, I am quite free now and most importantly-- I FOUND YOUR BLOG! I told you I will found it. =P
Saturday, picnic at Bukit Jalil with the '09 lunch crew!
Just had my presentation today, brought in Mashimaro in my slides! Haha!
Thanks to Mashimaro that had made my presentation go smooth and nice, and brought laughter to the class, and Mr. James! =)
I personally love these 2
and doing break dance
Had done with 2 ISUs and 1 more to go!
Computer science!
Hope me and my partner will complete our game project on time.
To: You-know-who
Since I was free from ENG4U already, I am quite free now and most importantly-- I FOUND YOUR BLOG! I told you I will found it. =P
Saturday, picnic at Bukit Jalil with the '09 lunch crew!
Friday, May 7, 2010
I feel guilty, because i suppose to do my Eng4u ISU now but i dont. Now waiting to watch Ip Man 2 at bukit tinggi jusco TGV. Lol. The movie starts 11.55pm and have 55 more minutes to go. Aiks. Must make sure myself dont go out tomorrow and stay at house to continue to do my ISU. Somehow i feel that this week really flies very fast, i day dreamt a lot perhaps? Being so blur in this whole week. Lol i shall write a post about my carelessness and blurriness in this week. Hahaha.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
上次Moral Studies 的 Folio 你没做我们也睁一只眼闭一只眼,重复同样的动作请问你觉得我们会接受吗?我们都已经问过老师,她也说为了公平起见,只写上有贡献的人的名字。那你什么都没有做,我们应该写上你的名字吗?!
上次Moral Studies 的 Folio 你没做我们也睁一只眼闭一只眼,重复同样的动作请问你觉得我们会接受吗?我们都已经问过老师,她也说为了公平起见,只写上有贡献的人的名字。那你什么都没有做,我们应该写上你的名字吗?!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
我.的.生.日 2010
Don't know why I really like this year's birthday.
Is sweet and happy. Hahahahaha.
Apart of that, I felt this year's birthday arrived very quickly don't know why. Like I can't believe is my birthday already! LOL
Maybe is the feeling that refuse to become older? =.=
Mum was not in when my bros and dad celebrate with me at the midnight. They bought a cake for me, they thought they hide it secretly but I noticed it already. They left the cake cutter on the table. =.=
Dad said he want bring me to shopping mall someday to buy 2 pairs of shoes for me because he cannot tahan with my old shoes. LOL okayy, whatever you said. Hahahaha.
And my bros gave me this
This light bulb is very special. You can't find any switches on it. How to switch on? Just TOUCH it!
1st touch = light
2nd touch = brighter
3rd touch = brightest
4th touch = off
Hahaha! COOL~
And also this
Photo frame!
from my couz Tyng! Purposely come to my house at 12.30am midnight just to give me this, so touching! Thank youuu! ^^
Me and my gang celebrated at Chocolate Lounge at The Curve.
This lounge is so so awesome because everything there is CHOCOLATE~!
Opps I mean foods and drinks. Haha.
The menu! Variety of chocolates!!
Outside view.
Foods and drinks!
American breakfast? LOL
This drink called "Princess of Iceland". Hahahaha.
Shoooo niceeee.
The must-order "Chocolate Affair"
Our drinks~~
Playing with my camera. Hahaha.
And also I got a free chocolate flower!
Mother's day free gift! =P
A great thank you for those who wished me via text message and Facebook!
Wished through Facebook is scary indeed, i got 99+ notifications when I logged into my account.
S-H-O-C-K-E-D =.=
LOL Thanks to Facebook? Hahahahaha.
Not to forget, PRESENTS!!!
Thank you my darlings foongfoong and nana.
Thanks Edmond for the card, unexpected. Hahahaha!
The most shocking one, PRESENTS FROM OKINAWA, JAPAN!!!
My host family didn't forget me, awwwww.
My birthday wishes:
1) Everyone around me is happy and healthy.
2) I wanna be a backpacker one day. *My dad is the greatest barrier T.T*
3) Seriously, I hope my bro will realize what he is doing one day and become a good son, good student, good ?
LOL I think that's all.
Is sweet and happy. Hahahahaha.
Apart of that, I felt this year's birthday arrived very quickly don't know why. Like I can't believe is my birthday already! LOL
Maybe is the feeling that refuse to become older? =.=
Mum was not in when my bros and dad celebrate with me at the midnight. They bought a cake for me, they thought they hide it secretly but I noticed it already. They left the cake cutter on the table. =.=
Dad said he want bring me to shopping mall someday to buy 2 pairs of shoes for me because he cannot tahan with my old shoes. LOL okayy, whatever you said. Hahahaha.
And my bros gave me this
This light bulb is very special. You can't find any switches on it. How to switch on? Just TOUCH it!
1st touch = light
2nd touch = brighter
3rd touch = brightest
4th touch = off
Hahaha! COOL~
And also this
Photo frame!
from my couz Tyng! Purposely come to my house at 12.30am midnight just to give me this, so touching! Thank youuu! ^^
Me and my gang celebrated at Chocolate Lounge at The Curve.
This lounge is so so awesome because everything there is CHOCOLATE~!
Opps I mean foods and drinks. Haha.
The menu! Variety of chocolates!!
Outside view.
Foods and drinks!
American breakfast? LOL
This drink called "Princess of Iceland". Hahahaha.
Shoooo niceeee.
The must-order "Chocolate Affair"
Our drinks~~
Playing with my camera. Hahaha.
And also I got a free chocolate flower!
Mother's day free gift! =P
More details about this Chocolate Lounge.Tell me how you feel after you visit any one of them! Hahahaha.
They have 5 branches in Malaysia.
1) Bangsar Village
Address: G5, Ground Floor, Bangsar Village, 1 Jalan Telawi 1, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone: 03-2284 9072
2) 1 Utama
Address: Lot FK3, First Floor Highstreet, 1 Utama Shopping Centre, No. 1, Lebuh Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Telephone: 03-7725 0623
Address: Lot LCPC 09(B), Low Cost Carrier Terminal, 64000 Sepang, Selangor
Telephone: 03-8787 2759
4) Pavilion
Address: Lot C4.05.02, Level 4, Pavilion. 168, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone: 03-2143 4149
5) The Curve
Address: Lot G52, The Street, The Curve, Mutiara Damansara, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Telephone: 03-7722 1848
A great thank you for those who wished me via text message and Facebook!
Wished through Facebook is scary indeed, i got 99+ notifications when I logged into my account.
S-H-O-C-K-E-D =.=
LOL Thanks to Facebook? Hahahahaha.
Not to forget, PRESENTS!!!
Thank you my darlings foongfoong and nana.
Thanks Edmond for the card, unexpected. Hahahaha!
The most shocking one, PRESENTS FROM OKINAWA, JAPAN!!!
My host family didn't forget me, awwwww.
My birthday wishes:
1) Everyone around me is happy and healthy.
2) I wanna be a backpacker one day. *My dad is the greatest barrier T.T*
3) Seriously, I hope my bro will realize what he is doing one day and become a good son, good student, good ?
LOL I think that's all.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Magic Power - 我是谁 我是谁 我是谁
我是谁 你是否常常这样问自己
我是谁 总是活在别人的期望里
我是谁 是谁又擅自帮你定义了
你是谁 只有不是自己才安全
为什麽 你以为这个世界很美丽
为什麽 你爱这个世界胜过爱自己
为什麽 这个世界不给你平等待遇
为什麽 到底做错了什麽
朋友都说你太 太 太奇怪
在背后把你当成笑 笑 笑话看
你想要的很 很 很简单
不过就是最普通的 的 的平凡
无论他们又说什麽 闲言闲语无法伤害我
世界上只有一个我 没人能代替的我
无论他们又做什麽 小动作无法打败我
The most beautiful
会不会 上帝把你的灵魂放错了身体
会不会 是故意整你不是不小心
会不会 你常常都觉得力不从心
会不会 坚持要做自己太危险
凭什麽 难道比较特别就是不对
凭什麽 先下了注解在认识之前
凭什麽 只不过想认真的活一遍
凭什麽 随便就把人定罪
我是谁 这个问题困扰你多少天多少夜
我是谁 谁有资格决定你怎样才是对
我是谁 我是谁我是谁
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