today was sucks to the max~~~
here's the story
my bro asked me to fetch him to school at 11am and pack chicken rice to him
then i suggested to go for KFC
about 11am like that i get back to home
my bro and nicky still bathing
*dont mess up, they not bathing together ==*
kay then 11.30am
started my engine then going to KFC~~~
then now lets the photo talks ==
this was the scene
for those who know my house will know ==
red one was me
blue one was a bicycle
i need to turn left
so i see the right side right??
but then i dint see infront when i turn!
yea i knocked someone down T_T
i quickly park aside the rush out to pick up her slippers
got two indians carry she to a side
was a young lady
at first i thought she was foreigner
but i get to know she was chinese after she speaks ==
her right hand broke
seems not that serious
that 2 guy asked me take her to clinic
but the girl dint bring out her IC
what the ==
later then i bring she to sentosa clinic but the doctor said she need to go for goverment hospital @.@
oh goshh
what i have done T_T
fetched her way back to her god-mother house to take her IC
at bukit tinggi
after she received some calls she decide to go to Arumari at Bayu*correct me if spelled wrong ==*
while waiting she at the god-mother house i called up my dad and mum which having training at shah alam
thank god my mum asked our salesman to pick up my bro at there to fetch him school
if not he will be late
very late!
oh gowshhh
while waiting she checking
she tell me her god-mother called and wanted to speak with me
with hokkien
what what want report to polis laa
what what she cannot work la bla bla bla
that time i just "en en en erm erm erm"
cant say out anything!
i was so scared
got many times my tears nearly leak out
the girl was 27 year old something
her brother, her god-mother, her god-brother even her boss came!
i was like HELPLESS
the nurse showed me the X-ray photo
said that her hand bone broke
need to do operation and rest for 2 months!
it cost about 3K!!
kanasai T_T
they keep on say wanna make report
i told them my parents was coming
finally my dad coming
he go to see the patient
then he asked me to bring him to see my car
no any scratches
then i explain how's the accident happen
finally he get what i mean
me and the girl both have mistaken
she shouldnt cross the divider to come to the opposite
i should be more careful
but if she wasnt at the middle how i would bang she?
my dad paid them 1K and they promised not to report to the police
then her bro and my dad exchange phone number
later than dad talks a lot to me
and he comfort with a penguin ==
my mood was totally down that day
this penguin is from the training centre they been
a model of a book called "Our Iceberg Wont Melts"
if i dint get wrong ==
do you think this really SETTLED??
the guy called back my dad said that they wanna report to the police so that they can claim the strukso *sorry i dont know how to spell, it sounds like that*
the result was
they need to report that my mum was the driver so that my P license no need to be suspended
at night
we met at the traffic police station
her bro worried that her sis wont able to move her hand flexible like last time
and unable to get a proper job
and her sis was a bit down syndrome
*no wonder i feel that the way she talking a bit weird*
and today she was first time go so far from her working place
her bro even willing to pay us back the 1K
but my mum refuse to
we both feel sorry to her
My Dad- thanks for coming to save me
My Mum-thanks for being my "penganti"
Mr Tang(her bro)-thanks for your understanding
Miss Tang-sorry for everything!!
SORRY for being so troublesome
foolish useless me T_T
p/s: i know this post is a bit "not organized", i'm still in a bad mood
The Moral Of The Story:
-we still need to be careful although we follow the rules, because out there still thousand of people against the rule!!
this was my 2nd accident during my 10months driving life!
this accident 100% shows that i am still that coward!
really scared, terrified, nervous at the moment in the hospital
keep on breath in out to stabilize my mood and make sure my tear wont rolls out
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