What is communications?
Communication as an academic field relates to all that ways we communicate, so it embraces a knowledge. The information relates both to verbal and nonverbal messages.
Communication teachers and scholars have developed a definition of the field of communication to clarify it as a discipline for the public:
"the field of communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and cross various context, cultures, channels and media. The field promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication."
Did you know...
it is estimated that 75% of a person's day is spent communicating in some way. As a college student, 69% of your communication time in spent on speaking and listening. You spend 17% of your communication time on reading and 14% writing. To put it in another perspective; we listen a book a day, speak a book a week, read the equivalent book a month, and write the equivalent book a year.
Career options:
there are many career paths that a person with Communication major can choose. Here are some job titles that former graduates with Communication majors hold. Use this as an ideas list, remember that is represents some, but certainly not all of the careers you might consider. Some careers may take additional schooling.
Personnel recruiter
Admissions counselor
Sales representative
Public information officer
Newsletter editor
Vice-president human resources
Director of training and development
Benefits administrator
Executive manager
Industrial and labor relations
Customer service representative
Human resources manager
Advertising specialist
Media planner
Creative director
Public researcher
Marketing specialist
Account executive manager
Media buyer
Media sales representative
Communication education:
Language arts coordinator
Drama director
School counselor
Audiovisual specialist
Director of college news
Educational fund-raiser
High school speech forensics/debate coach
Speech communication department chairperson
Education researcher
Educational administrator
Educational tester
Alumni officer
Broadcasting station manager
Film/tape librarian
Unit manager
Transmitter engineer
Advertising sales coordinator
Disc jockey
Comedy writer
Floor manager
Director of broadcasting
Community relation director
News writer
Technical director
Market researcher
News and relation manager
Casting manager
Business manager
Talk show host
News service researcher
Acquisitions editor
Script writer
Technical writer
Media interviewer
Public Relations:
Publicity manager
Marketing specialist
Corporate public affairs
Account executive
Sales manager
Media planner
News writer
Adverting manager
Development officer
Media analyst
Creative director
Public opinion researcher
Theatre/Performing arts:
Performing artist
Arts administrator
Costume design
Lighting theatre critic
Stage manager
Theatre professor
Script writer
Performing arts educator
Scenic designer
Makeup artist
Casting director
Public information officer writer
Campaign director
Program coordinator
Legislative assistant
Research specialist
Elected official
High Technology Industries:
Trainer for communication tech.
System analyst
Language specialist
Circuit television producer/director
Technical copywriter
Cognition researcher
Audio & visual computer display specialist
Communication and Health Care:
Health educator
Medical grants writer
Clinic public relations director
Research analyst
Health personnel educator
Hospice manager
Activities director
School health care administrator
Hospital director of communication
Health communication analyst
Medical training supervisor
Medical center publications editor
Health care counselor
Marketing director
International Relations and Negotiations:
On-Air international broadcasting
Corporate representative
Student tour coordinator
Foreign correspondent
Public defender
District attorney
Legal researcher
Legal secretary
Legal educator
Corporate lawyer
Private practice lawyer
Mediation & negotiation specialist
Legal reporter
Social and Human Services:
Public administrator
Recreation supervisor
Community affairs liaison
Religious leader
Social worker
Human rights officer
Park service public relations specialist
Mental counselor